Adams Capital Management
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About Us

Structured Navigation Process

ACM's Structured Navigation Process plays a critical role in developing a company's competitive advantages to create a highly valued business. Guiding portfolio companies through this process is a key facet of ACM's "markets-first" investment strategy, as it is designed to reduce risk, enhance a company's value proposition and create multiple exit options. The process includes the following components:

  • Round out the management team

  • Business model refinement

  • Develop a corporate partnering strategy

  • Gain early exposure to industry analysts

  • Expand the product line and enhance the company's value proposition

  • Implement Corporate Best Practices

Increase Value

Structured Navigation: Proven six-step process to reduce risk, create value and increase exit options

Leadership-Oriented Approach: Leverage our industry & operational expertise to accelerate a company's development and success

Corporate Resources: Identification / introduction to key industry contacts to accelerate sales, enhance strategic alliances, augment existing boards and impact critical business operations

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